Tag Archives: Fort Myers Estate Planning Attorneys

Can a Stepchild Inherit From a Florida Estate?
Dying without a Florida will means your probate estate will pass under the state’s intestacy laws. Many people do not see the problem with this. Say you are unmarried and are survived by two children. Under Florida intestacy law, your children would automatically inherit your entire estate in the absence of a will. Sounds… Read More »

Have You Reviewed Your Life Insurance Beneficiary Designations Lately?
An important aspect of Florida estate planning is reviewing–and when necessary, revising–any beneficiary designations on assets such as life insurance or retirement accounts. Keep in mind, when an asset is deemed payable to a named beneficiary, it does not pass as part of your Florida probate estate. So even if you execute a new… Read More »

What Happens If I Sign a Nursing Home Arbitration Agreement Under a Power of Attorney?
Many Florida residents are faced with the burden of placing a parent or elderly relative in a nursing home. If you do admit a family member to a facility while holding their power of attorney, you need to be aware of how this may affect their legal rights in the event that something goes… Read More »

Congress Reforms Estate, Gift, and Generation-Skipping Taxes Thru 2026
We recently discussed proposed changes to the federal estate tax. Final changes have now been adopted by Congress and signed into law by President Donald J. Trump as part of a comprehensive tax reform package. Here is what you need to know about the new law as it pertains to your Florida estate planning…. Read More »

How Can a Florida Medicaid Lien Affect My Estate Planning?
Many low-income Florida residents require assistance to pay their medical bills. Medicaid provides such coverage with an important caveat: Florida officials may seek reimbursement for any medical costs paid from the recipient’s assets. This includes the estate of any deceased recipient. This is why many people with a family member receiving Medicaid benefits choose… Read More »

When Can Creditors Pursue Claims Against Trust Assets?
Florida trusts are not just useful when it comes to estate planning. They can also provide valuable protection for your assets against creditor claims–not to mention family members who have difficulty with managing money. For example, a spendthrift trust is a useful tool that allows you to help a relative while ensuring your money… Read More »

What Florida Estate Planning Do I Need as a Single Parent?
Everyone needs an estate plan. But if you are a single parent with minor children, it is especially critical to have all of your legal affairs in order should the worst occur. If your children’s other parent is already deceased or no longer part of their lives, you need to make sure that they… Read More »

What Happens to Civil Lawsuits I Filed After I Die?
Even if you do not own much in the way of property, you still need to have a valid Florida will if for no other reason than to ensure there is a personal representative to take charge of your affairs as soon as possible after your death. While Florida law does provide for the… Read More »

How Florida Law Alters Your Estate Plan Following a Divorce
Many people create a Florida will or trust and then simply forget about it. But estate planning is rarely a one-shot deal. Over the course of your life many things may change, including the status of your existing family relationships, and that should prompt a review and, if warranted, a revision of your existing… Read More »

Miami Doctors Debate Whether to Honor DNR Order Tattooed on Patient’s Chest
Every Florida resident should a valid power of attorney for health care and a living will. The former names a person to make medical decisions for you or speak with your doctors if you are unable to do so. The latter provides advance instructions as to your wishes in the event you have a… Read More »